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Vicki Chu

OCEN Class of '23


Vicki is a Junior Ocean Engineering major from San Antonio, Texas. She is very passionate about the environment and hopes to work with renewable energy in the future. In addition to being involved with Engineering Mentorship Council (EMC), she is involved with Mentorship in Ocean Engineering (MOE). Vicki is also on the marketing team for a water desalination research project. Outside of school, she served as a San Antonio ambassador in Darmstadt, Germany where she got the opportunity to learn about the German culture and history. Some of her hobbies include playing sports, volunteering, and learning how to cook.


Meetings on Tuesday, 5-6PM

Aaron Trinh

Petroleum Eng Class of ‘23


Howdy, I am currently a junior Petroleum Engineering student. I live in the Houston area, specifically Sugar Land, TX. I have no siblings. I aspire to be an ultramarathon trail runner, particularly in the distances of 100s and 200s, and carry that same adventurous passion towards the oil and gas industry as a career.

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